Once we got to the park we were greeted by a large number of yellow-bellied sapsuckers doing what is called territorial drumming. They usually seek out the loudest hollow tree around to peck which lets the other birds know that is their territory but at the park they were using the plastic roof of the outhouse and it was loud. Even though it was a shocking surprise to hear while in the outhouse, it was very neat to see human interaction actually benefiting wildlife for a change.
Later in the day, while out for a walk we got to see some house finches feasting on what little buds were out. Then we went down to a marshy area and heard some frogs singing. It was so loud. I took a video which I have attached it below. It is a little shaky because I didn’t use a tripod but you can hear just how loud it was. It felt a little dirty to be enjoying the sounds of amphibian love.
Saturday came and it was cold. We had some small ice pellets coming down for a while but we still managed to find some nature. In the morning we had a few eastern phoebes come around our site and we saw lots of flickers dancing and chasing each other about. Then later in the day while exploring we saw many different kinds of ducks, a mink and a heron. Later while relaxing by the fire at night we were visited by a fox. It came in quite close, most likely expecting to be fed but once it realized we weren’t going to, it walked around our site and continued its hunt.
Sunday brought some real nice weather. The day started with a short drive which yielded sightings of a beaver, two sandhill cranes and a hooded merganser. Then while loading up the car, a black bear made an appearance. Once we were mostly packed up we went for a big hike and there we saw a harrier, a pair of wood ducks and a deer. Not much else but it was good exercise. Sadly we heading home but in four more days we will be searching again.

Come on Friday!
Amazing variety of animals at Killarney!