As soon as I closed the door to my car this morning my first skunk of the year ran down my neighbours front yard. It was still too dark for any good pictures so I just watched as it wandered around for a bit. After it disappeared into the cedars I made my way toward the Holland marsh area. I have heard this area is good but most of the information I have read about here only mentioned stuff being seen in the summer but I thought I would give it a try to see what I could find anyway and it turned out to be really good. I started at canal road where it connects with Hwy 9 and then just followed the canal. I didn't even use the gas, I just let the car idle. The first section was only 2.9 kilometres but it took me almost an hour because I kept seeing stuff and stopping for photos. As soon as I got on the road I found a beaver having a morning bath. Just after that a Red-tailed hawk scoping out the territory. I also got to see many wood ducks, a muskrat, two more beavers and lots of Canada geese, mallards, red winged blackbirds and grackles and finally my first ever Eastern Phoebe. It didn't like to sit still and it liked to keep its distance but it was still really neat to see another new bird for me. Oh, I also stumbled upon a great blue heron that ruffled his feathers for a moment. Not a great shot but it looks kind of funny so I included it. What a good weekend!!

I love that picture of the heron! Looks like an angry cat!