Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Horned Grebe Status

Okay, so I was doing some research and I found out that the Horned Grebe is actually a species of concern in Ontario. I read that its numbers seem to be declining and they are unsure why but most likely it has to do with habitat loss. It also requested for any sightings to be reported to the MNR. I went and filled out an online Rare Species Reporting Form which was actually quite detailed. A lot of the questions I didn’t have the answers to but I gave all the information that I had and included a picture of the bird so they would be able to confirm the identification.

It says they are rare breeders in Ontario but the location looked ideal for this bird to set up a nest. They say that they nest usually a meter or two away from the waters edge and since fishermen were walking all over the place oblivious to the needs of this species, I included that in my report. I read someone else comment on a forum recently that just rang true to me. They said “I understand 'conservation' to mean, for the benefit of wildlife primarily, and humans secondarily'.” I think that applies nicely here even if that means less photo opportunities for me.

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