Monday, May 24, 2010

Luck was on my side this morning.

Today I saw tons of stuff and a lot of it was so close, which allowed me to be able to get some of the best pictures so far of the different species. My first sighting was of a wilson's snipe. Such weird looking birds but it is always really neat to see them. It sat on top of a fence post and didn't mind me being there at all. I was right beside it and watched it for quite a while as it called across the fields. Next was a eastern kingbird. This bird I have seen before as well but I have never been able to get so close and have the right lighting to boot.

Now for the best part, a pair of snowshoe hares. I love seeing this guys but they always turn and run as soon as they see me and man can they run fast but again not today. They actually came towards me. I sat and watched them for about an hour as they kept coming closer and closer to me. They ate some dandelions, cleaned themselves, rested for a bit and also made time for a little bit of hare love. The one was very pregnant and her mate stayed very close to her they entire time. Just awesome to see.

There was so much out and about this morning. I was also rewarded with a close encounter to a sandhill crane and then the stuff just kept coming. I also got to see a coyote, a porcupine, indigo buntings, cedar waxwings, common yellowthroats, yellow warblers, northern harriers, red-tailed hawkes, a cooper's hawk, Osprey with a chick and one more new bird called the arcdian flycatcher which kept its distance but there was so much more to be excited about. What a day!!!!

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