First let me start by saying what amazing weather this weekend. Finally!! I was able to get out every morning and I ended up seeing tons of stuff. The list is way too big to mention everything but there were some more new ones, and they were a black-billed cuckoo, a great-crested flycatcher, and a pair of least flycatchers.
A few fun encounters happened this weekend as well and the first one came as I was walking through a field. I stumbled across a skunk that was so focused on foraging it failed to see me. It walked straight towards me and ended up coming only five feet away from me. I had to do something so I didn't end up smelling more funky than I already do so I started walking backwards at which point it looked up and got scared, turned and ran.
The other fun encounters were watching a raccoon feel for stuff at the bottom of a river, sitting and watching a bittern as it called over its territory, close fly bys from an osprey and a trumpeter swan and watching a female northern harrier hunt over a field.
I also love seeing the birds return. This week brought back the catbirds and the house wrens so now they have joined the common yellow throat and yellow warblers making the side roads very musical. Anyway there are lots more stories but here are some of the pictures.

So jealous!!