Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome back meadowlarks!!

What a wonderful drive home from work today. The beautiful sunny weather must have given some birds that extra little push they were waiting for because I saw my first male eastern bluebird of the year and two eastern meadowlark. I was listening to music quitely and I had my sunroof open as I drove down a country road. I first heard one meadowlark calling. What a beautiful melodious sound they make and so recognizable. I quickly pulled over and started looking for it. It didn't take me long without the sound of my stereo and car rumbling down the gravel road. It was perched in a dormant maple tree singing its heart out. They are such a striking yellow and a real refreshing burst of colour to the back road landscape. It then flew over to a pine tree where another was perched. As soon as the one landed the other one took off to another location. I snapped a few pictures before it flew after its friend. The males and females look pretty much identical but I hope they are a mating pair. I didn't have much time so I left but they are close to where a pair nested last year so I hope they are on their way there. Once they get settled in and I have more time to observe, I will go over to visit and maybe bring a house-warming gift. The same goes with the bluebirds. The pictures from today are heavily cropped but they work for now.

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