Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Polar bears are currently NOT on Canada's species at risk list.

Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent to the minister of Environment.

To: minister@ec.gc.ca
Subject: Please add the polar bears to Canada's species at risk list

To: Jim Prentice - Minister of the Environment

I just received some information the other day stating that the deadline to add animals to Canada's official species at risk list ends on March 19th/2010. It has been brought to my attention that despite the rapid decline of polar bears within Canada it still seems to not be on the species at risk list. The polar bears current population is estimated around 22,000 - 27,000. Most of this population is situated with Canada, estimated at 15,500 polar bears. It just takes a simple Google search to see page after page indicating the concern for this animal and its habitat. It is so obvious especially after seeing the lack of snow fall this winter that the temperatures are continuing to climb which in turn means fewer hunting grounds for this animal. I realize that you are probably very busy so I will keep this short.

Please add the polar bears to Canada's official species at risk list. The sooner we start protecting this animal the sooner we can take this animal back off the list. The longer we wait the harder and more expensive it will be to return their population back to healthy and sustainable levels.

Thank you
Scott Smith

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