Saturday, March 6, 2010

Exciting morning!!!

Well I still don't have my camera back yet but after hearing what the weather was going to be like today, I just had to venture out this morning to see what I could find and wow it was worth the drive. I got to see five turkeys in a tree, a deer, a fox, a red tailed hawk, lots of horned larks happily singing in the sun, two snow buntings and most exciting was a mink!!! I watched it for about ten minutes as it hunted along a river and the surrounding bank. It was so cute. It had a full-fledged winter coat on which made him look really fat. It was going to the stalks of the plants and then crawling down along the stalks until just the tail was sticking out. I watched as its tail wagged for a little bit above the snow and then all of a sudden the tail would disappear and then the head would pop up. It would shimmy its way out and then run along the snow until it found a new hole to inspect for breakfast. I was hoping that it would catch something because I have never seen a mink eat before but no luck this time. I can't wait to head back to that area with my camera but I might not be as lucky as I was today.

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